Saturday, May 30, 2020

Is it Late Night or Early Morning

I'm sitting here on my couch at 1 am with a wonderful night breeze blowing the curtains around.  I know I should go to bed so I can get up early and enjoy the day with my family but I know that if I go upstairs I'll just lay there and not sleep.

I've been working very hard the last few days on my manuscript for The Wrestling Insomniac book that I am going to self publish.  Any doubts I had about it doing this are completely gone now.  I know how hard I've worked at it and It is something that I am going to be proud of.

I've even found some pictures to insert along the way.  Not many mind you, but they were all taken by me so I don't have to worry about copyright issues.  Even as I am working on this book I'm already thinking about the next one.  I have so many more posts that I know would be great to include and many of those are about shows I've attended, wrestling title histories, and breaking down wrestlers time in a promotion.  Like Chris Candido's three months in WCW or Bret Hart's final matches.

Another thing I have been doing the past couple weeks is watching a lot of movies.  I watched a spectacular one tonight on Amazon Prime that I'm going to write about tomorrow.

This year has definitely not gone as I thought it would.  Vacations have been cancelled, concerts have been postponed until an unknown date.  Also my first AEW show was supposed to be in April, was postponed until August and I'm positive that, that isn't happening either.

However I feel that there has been a lot of good this year.  Working from home with my wife for the last two plus months has actually strengthened out relationship.  We've managed to hit the Drive-In twice for two classic movies and plan on going to more as we can.

Also I've gotten a lot of inspiration from my pal Brandon, and I like to think I've inspired him a bit too this year, when it comes to this blog and other aspects of being positive.

This blog, for instance, I don't advertise it like I do my other blog.  I write this one for me and the few people that I told about it.  If they chose to read it, great, if the don't, well that's fine too.  Doogie Howser didn't write his journal for others, even though we at home were privy to it, he wrote it for himself.

Until Next Time!


  1. Man, it sounds like you found a nice moment in time to appreciate over the weekend and that is awesome. I think we all gotta find those little moments to savor when the world seems to have gone mad.

    I'm so glad I could inspired you to work on this blog. I love reading it. You've definitely inspired me as well. I got a few projects I'm kicking around that are definitely on my mind since you begun your epic book creation journey.

    Its funny that you mentioned Doogie Howser. I was just telling Brandy that I think Doogie was the reason I loved journaling as a kid. I love the idea of a just someone settling down with their thoughts at the end of the day.

  2. I'm positive that Doogie Howser is who inspired me to journal. In fact I have a stack of hardcover journals in my closet that I need to go through someday. I can't wait to hear about your new projects.
