Sunday, September 13, 2020

Book Club: Things I Can't Explain Chapters 11 & 12

Welcome to the Things I Can't Explain Book Club, this post I'm looking at chapters 11 & 12.  You can read my buddy Brandon's thoughts on the chapters here.  You and read about the other chapters by looking at this blogs past posts.

Chapter 11: This chapter is only two pages and it's a heated exchange from beginning to end between Clarissa and Dartmoor.  With door barely closed behind them from the publications owners office, Dartmoor tells Clarissa that she will never get this job.  The reason, her brother Ferguson Darling.

Thoughts: Short chapter but a lot to unpack.  Clarissa stands up for herself in an unexpected fiery way.  A lot of the comments that she typically says to herself she actually says out loud putting Darty in his place.  She also mentions Ferguson has a rap sheet so it would appear he had a run in with the law.

Chapter 12:  We finally get the low down on little Ferguson Darling.  Turns out he got in over his head and, allegedly, unknown to him was working for the Russians and lost millions of dollars in unscrupulous financial transactions and was sentenced to federal prison.  Clarissa goes and visits Ferguson in prison to get some help with her new potential job.  

Thoughts:  I thought everything about Ferguson was portrayed way to over the top!  Paying off the guards with tofu cookies to chain him up, the fake grill, his vernacular, it was slapstick comedy.  

I will say I'm enjoying the book and I'm enjoying where the story is going and it makes me want to continue to read  it. 

Until Next Time!

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