Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Hello Again

Hi there!  For those that don't know, my name is Mike.  However, if you are reading this then you probably know who I am. 

This blog initially was one I created in 2016 after I had my first and to date only story published in a book. I had big hopes and dreams of getting more publish, and I have tried but alas I may be a one hit wonder.  Writing has taken a back seat the last couple years since I started taking college classes online through a free college benefit that my union offers.  In 7 shorts weeks from today I'll finish my final two classes to achieve my Associates Degree in Business Management. I never thought I'd have a college degree. 

Over the years I've had a few blogs, The Wrestling Insomniac being one that I have actually been able to maintain for the last five years with help, and it's almost at 500 posts!  I've had other blogs, but nothing that I have been as dedicated too.  My first blogspot blog was Superstar Review, which is why I'm stuck with that terrible email.

I knew someone that was able to start a product review blog and was able to make money off of it.  I was not able to do that.  It became a catch all blog for anything that I wanted to write about, but then it transformed into what is now Labbe Family Voyages.

My other blog is Hot Dogs of Maine.  I put a lot of work into it at first and I've gotten some serious traffic on a couple of the posts.  My initial plan was to travel around the State of Maine and eat hot dogs and other foods and report on them.  However, work, life, weight issues, and now gastric surgery makes that hard to keep up.  Maybe someday I'll go back and do something with it.

All of my blogs have a theme and I'm a stickler for keeping to them.  I didn't have a place to just write and post random things, which is something that I've been wanting to do.  I've always enjoyed writing and I find it therapeutic.  Recently I found a blog my buddy Brandon started simply titled Brandon Writes Stuff, and that's what he does.  He writes about anything he feels like and he doesn't care if anyone reads it because he writes for him.  So I guess you can blame Brandon for this blog because I too want to write for me, my Thoughts & Ponderings, and I don't care if anyone reads them or not.

This one is for me, and if others like it cool, if not, well that's cool too.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to see I inspired ya! I'll definitely be reading!
