Friday, August 7, 2020

College Degree

When I was in High School I didn't appreciate being there, going to college was never really something that I wanted to do but I knew it was something that you should do so I applied to one school; Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island....and I got accepted.  I was excited to get accepted, who doesn't like approval, but I was on the fence about going.

My girlfriend at the time basically said that she wasn't interested in a long distance relationship and if I went then we would be done.  That was enough for me to decide to not go because deep down I didn't want to anyway.  I did call them and defer enrollment for a year, just in case, but never ended up going.

Fast forward 21 years and I'm working in dispatch, really burnt out because of the hours and it's a high stress job I've been doing for almost 20 years, my health isn't the best, and I really need to make a change.  My wife encourages me to go back to school to get a degree to help me find that better job in the State.  When I ask her if she really thinks I can go back to school, she doesn't hesitate her support and encouragement.

So I start looking into it, a couple days later I get an email from my Union about a free college benefit they offer.  Less than an month later I'm taking online classes at Eastern Gateway Community College.  You can read me about that here.

Yesterday in the mail I got my diploma. I knew I had officially earned my degree at the end of May when my classes finalized, but holding this in my hands, now it feels real!  I never thought I would have one of these, it was worth the hard work these last two years and I'm proud to have earned this.

Until Next Time!!

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